Welcome to Iliad, the Angelina County District Attorney's web-based file sharing system.
Please log in to view documents in your cases contained within our files.
If you need an account, please call 936-632-5090. Have your email address handy.
Note that only charges with offense dates on or after January 1, 2014, will be fully available to you. For all previous cases, you must still come into the DA's office and look at the physical file. All cases with offense dates on or after January 1, 2014 will be fully digital, with some exceptions (such as large video files).
If you are assigned to a case that does not appear in Iliad, then either 1) the case has not been opened yet or 2) we do not yet know you're the attorney of record for that case. Please call our office to confirm.
For help using the system, please call our office at 936-632-5090.